Sleep in the Military
Promoting Healthy Sleep Among U.S. Servicemembers
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Troxel, Wendy M.
Shih, Regina A.
Pedersen, Eric R.
Geyer, Lily
Fisher, Michael P.
Given the unprecedented demands on the U.S. military since 2001 and the risks posed by stress and trauma, there has been growing concern about the prevalence and consequences of sleep problems. This first-ever comprehensive review of military sleep-related policies and programs, evidence-based interventions, and barriers to achieving healthy sleep offers a detailed set of actionable recommendations for improving sleep across the force.
Public Health; Management & Organizational Behavior; Health SciencesISBN
9780833088543, 9780833088512Publisher
RAND CorporationPublication date and place
Personnel and human resources management
Coping with / advice about personal, social and health topics
Medicolegal issues