Chapter Glossaire terminologique collaboratif et Data-Driven Learning dans le cadre de la traduction du lexique artistique

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Dechamps, Christina
This chapter focuses on the role of corpora, in particular the LBC corpus (Lessico dei Beni Culturali), in the training of (future) translators. First, a variety of teaching methodologies, such as «task», «Learners’ Bilingual Lexicography/Terminography», «Corpus-Based/ Data-Driven Learning», and «strategic competence» will be re-examined, taking into account the use of corpora at all stages of translators’ training. The article will then illustrate a case study involving two translation classes focusing on architecture and art history (including Gothic and Renaissance art). These have led to the writing of a bilingual glossary (Portuguese-French and French-Portuguese), a collaborative and ongoing project for students in translation.