Biowaste Treatment and Valorization

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de la Hera, Carlos Rico (editor)
This book focuses on applied technologies on biowaste treatment with the aim to minimize its environmental impact and to recover resources in the form of energy, nutrients, and other valuable products. As a result of this, the book has collected the latest research on mature, conventional, and innovative technologies used to address the challenging issues with the treatment and valorization of different flows of biowaste.
OFMSW; digested sewage sludge; waste characterization; anaerobic digestion; operating temperature; mesophilic; psychrophilic; compost quality; backyard compost; toxins; nutrient; oxygen consumption; AT4 value; weed control; hygienisation; compost stability; waste circulation; OMW; OMP; evaporation pond; heavy metals; LC-HRMS; metagenomics; indigenous microbiota; toxicity alleviation; anaerobic treatment; raw cheese whey; multiscale analysis; pH time series; Anaeromyces mucronatus; lignocellulose; Neocallimastix frontalis; Piromyces rhizinflatus; pretreatment; hydrogen; biomass; charged ultrafiltration membranes; α-lactalbumin; β-lactoglobulin; protein fractionation; protein electrostatic interaction; protein ultrafiltration; fouling; biochemical methane potential (BMP); biogas; by-products; higher heating value; alcoholic beverage production; biogas valorization; heat recovery; engine cooling circuit; electricity self-consumption; global efficiency; biochar; germination; seedling vigor; chlorophyll; germination rate; maize growth; biodegradable solvents; cell disruption; deep eutectic solvents; extraction with solvents; ionic liquids; microalgae biorefinery; protein recovery; protein release; solvent recovery; biowastes; bioadsorbents; activated carbon; raw wastes; industrial contaminants; nutrients; pharmaceuticals; municipal leachate treatment; microbial fuel cell; single chamber; waste treatment; ceramic cathodes; ultrasound-assisted deposition/infiltration; wash coat; brush coat; energy production; facile preparation; bio-augmentation; composting time; organic matter; textile solid waste; composting; phenolics; antioxidants; food wastes; green solvents; extraction kinetics; grape pomace; apple pomace; biorefinery; n/aWebshop link ...ISBN
9783036562858, 9783036562865Publisher website date and place
Basel, 2023Classification
Research and information: general
Environmental economics